Manawa Rangatahi Leadership Wānanga

Bringing together current and new Rangatahi Leaders from across our Amorangi, we were greatly blessed to have spent the week learning, worshipping and sharing in God’s love and grace!

October 5, 2021

Last week our first Manawa Rangatahi Leadership Camp for 2021, was hosted in Hauraki. 

Bringing together current and new Rangatahi Leaders from across our Amorangi, we were greatly blessed to have spent the week learning, worshipping and sharing in God’s love and grace!

Welcomed by serene weather and safe waters, Hahei kept our children and supervisors happy whilst carrying our their programme activities!

Thank you to everyone who attended, as well as the many working hands that organised this kaupapa and kept us happily fed. We greatly look forward to the future Rangatahi events to come this year!